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Holiday Love Rats Forum- Love Stories or Red Flags? Latest Questions

Tunisia Love Rats Group

This is my rat

This is my love eat. Imed Ben Hassine front Sousse. Drives taxi no1703 between port El kantaoui and Monastir. Collects many women fro Enfidha airport. We had a connection straight away. He’s charming, great sense of humour. Said he didn’t speak much English but seemed to learn really quickly,then spoke in French! I hated the fact that he spoke to many men in Arabic but he told me they couldn’t speak French or English. He told me he was a single father with 3 daughters and that was why he could never spend the night. But he could get drunk every night during his work hours and would drive home like that.He once let slip that he’d spent a night fishing off the beach at sousse with his brother. I paid for absolutely everything as he hardly earned enough money for his beer and cigarettes every night,let alone spend 70dt at the supermarket!! I used to wonder at the designer jeans and t-shirts he wore. And the 200dt trainers. He was extremely clean and well turned out. Very handsome. Wanted to hold my hand along the beach. Never said thankyou when I gave him money. Love bombed ne when I went back to UK but didn’t spend much time with me when I went for 2 weeks holiday. Boasted that he was known by several different names,but I was totally naieve. Made up excuses for him as it was different culture. I was only 8 years older than him but we looked same age. He had grey in his hair! Took me out early one morning with his parents. We drove up to a farm and the shepherd was pointing out all these scrawny male lambs and he and Imed were talking a lot in Arabic. No one talked to me . Then Imed tells me that the lamb will cost 1300dt. I told him it was rubbish and our sheep at home were twice as big. Then I realised the awful situation. Without any previous discussion I was expected to buy this lamb for Eid!!! I felt sick,mortified. I’d only just given him 1600dt and he expected me to shell out 1300 on this poxy lamb.I made up a few excuses and said we’d get it tomorrow then i had take us all out for coffee. All I wanted to do was get away. He dropped me at the apartment while he went to take his parents home and I laid into him straight away. Why had t he spoken to me about this. He said he had and when I said “no you haven’t ” he blamed his poor english!! I told him I was very angry and he just said he was sorry and we would not mention it again. When I returned to UK he didn’t call as much. He would dissappear for days,then when I asked him what had happened he would gamble out crazy stories about his daughter needing the hospital because her back result hadn’t arrived and getting in trouble with police etc. I realised everything he was telling me was lies. From his I love you gifs in the mornings to his late night calls,always from his taxi before going home. It’s been exhausting living with it all and knowing how it would neverwork long term. It’s been heartbreaking too because I would tell myself how lucky I was because he was gorgeous. A major alarm for me had always been that he never once said anything lover would say, like…’I love the smell of you’, I think you’re beautiful, you’ve got amazing eyes,your skin is so soft. All those sorts of things that have been aid to me not so long ago. He never made any personal comments about me at all. And love making never lasted more than 10 mins,nearer 5. No foreplay, just several drinks,then bed and no post coital cuddles. Heavens no!! Straight to douce. I thought we were happy. What an idiot I was but not any more. I blocked him from WhatsApp and feel better every day. Thanks to this marvellous website I’ve learnt so much and don’t feel a failure. I feel empowered and I hope all the women who might read this will begin to feel the same. We are not to blame. We are humans with a heart and a capacity for love. These disgusting men exploited our vulnerabilities and our financial viability. They are evil and hopefully will end their days with vd and anal warts!! Love ❤️ to you all. Be proud you have come through this

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