Good morning all, I am so sorry to read all about the hurt that has occured. I am writing as I’m really worried about my sister. My sister went to Tunisia for two weeks and went on one date. They in my opinion he love bombed her so that she returned a week later to Tunisia for another two weeks. During this time they got engaged. Also during the time she has known him, he has lost his phone once, his Dad had a back injury and needed surgery, then his Dad fell off a motor bike and ended up in a coma. He started off with ‘come and move to Tunisia to ‘il go wherever you are happy to now I hate Tunisia let’s move to the uk’. She is now going out there again and he wants to marry her in this time. When she is with me I convince her to wait but I overheard them talking and he influenced her by saying ‘when you are with your sister you go off me etc’ I also heard him say we can marry and not tell anyone then we can have a big wedding with mine and your family later. She booked a ticket to go again in September one way and he has told her he is away from the area then. He said he had a German girlfriend for 15 years and works in the Orangers – has anyone experienced anyone from here? If so please could you message me.
Unfortunately , it is so obvious that he is a scammer.Her story is no different than any other girl’s story here.In the next step , Probably he will convince her to get pregnant or he will pierce his condom. He will stick around like a disgusting parasite until he sucks her blood and get advantage from her as much as possible.
You are right 🙂
One of these Tunisian scumbag man who is an illegal immigrant in Europe, confess that he look for German woman to impregnate her because according to German legislation,he can not be deported as German law prohibite separation of family numbers and after that he can get rid of the woman if she won’t obey him because he won’t need her anymore since he can get the residence as a father of a German child.They are so pathetic and disgusting. I hate this rubbished mentality of these man who categorise woman to:honest valorized virgin prude and easy dishonest worthless woman who deserve to be used and exploited during their hardship.
In this case I think all the evidence we have been told ( going in this) it is very much huge red flags he is a scammer, a love rat.
Not all are as obvious or as simple as this.
we have to remember, there are a number of good and decent men who do have honest marriages with European women.
so it is not always easy to see and know those who are being dishonest.
we should be helping and encouraging each other, not using derogatory remarks to make others not want to engage
I honestly wish no woman had to go through or be going through the low level scum lives these men are putting through
Why they take the risk to waste their money and their valuable time on random desperate guys from a miserable country ,with a low probability to be a decent guy 🤔?! We already know that touristic places are dominated by playful manipulative predators who don’t accept anyone else to share the feast with them.
I have the same problem with a friend of mine!
Completely out of the blue she asked me for money and told me it was for a friend who needed urgent care, I sent her some money and then she started to explain little by little what is happening. She has basically fallen in love with a Tunisian guy she met at a hotel, she is totally in love, but he is very sick and needs treatment, but hospitals are so expensive and he can’t afford it. If he doesn’t pay he goes to prison.
After I lent her the money, she has spent thousands trying to get him a visa, even flew over there to get married!!! She is very sneaky in what she says to me and every few months she asks for more money even if she hasn’t paid me back, I am refusing to give her any more money, and I was sliglthy worried about all of this, she is really not the kind of girl to fall for such an obvious scam (or I though!!!) now I am SHOCKED at how obvious it is this is a scam and see how many other women have gone through it, I should have investigated earlier but now I have no idea what to do. I know that she is 100% emotionally invested, never seen her this way, and she is not going to understand my concerns. What can I do?
I don’t live close to her; it’s a different country! and I am trying to talk to her brother to see what he knows… I also tried to google image a picture of him, but didn’t get any hits. His name is Nizar and he is 30 years old but I have nothing else on him except a picture.
Wow so sorry about that. Can you at least get your money back?